International Engineering Educators Certification Program (IEECP)


Accredited by the International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP) and endorsed by the International Federation of Engineering Education Societies (IFEES)


Nuestro Programa ha sido galardonado por la International E-Learning Association (IELA)

Nuestro artículo, «Upskilling Teaching Competences in Latin America: The International Engineering Educator Certification Program,» que describe el desarrollo del Programa de Certificación de Educador Internacional de Ingeniería ha sido galardonado con la cinta de BRONCE en la categoría Blended Learning Experience en la edición 2023 del International E-Learning Awards, otorgado por la International E-Learning Association!

The International Society for Engineering Pedagogy (IGIP) has created and developed the International Engineering Educator Certification Program (Ing.Paed.IGIP). This program has allowed thousands of university teachers around the world to train in pedagogical aspects, with special emphasis on technological careers.

InnovaHiEd Academy is an Authorized Training Center and, as such, offers the Program to institutions and individuals interested in perfecting their teacher training.

Those who satisfactorily comply with the requirements of the Program may access the certificate of

"International Engineering Educator" (Ing.Paed.IGIP)

Program description
Upon approval of the curriculum, a graduate must be able to:

  • Master the academic, scientific and systematically recognized internationally recognized competencies for Engineering Pedagogy.
  • Teach Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) subjects in a competent, effective, innovative and creative way taking into account the basic concepts of Educational Psychology and Engineering Pedagogy with an Active Learning and Student-Centered approach.

These competencies are developed in the following Learning Outcomes:

  • Plan, manage and analyze teaching and learning.
  • Mastering performance, communication, rhetoric, and scientific writing skills
  • Know the principles of ethics and engineering ethics in particular
  • Implement, analyze and manage contemporary educational technology
  • Plan and implement different forms and different methods of didactically effective laboratory work to implement theory in practice
  • Implement the principles of an intercultural learning environment
  • Implement active learning structures
  • Select appropriate evaluation and rating methodologies
  • Reflect on teaching and compile the self-analysis into a teaching portfolio

The program's curriculum is made up of the following modules:

  • Introduction to competency development in Engineering Education (EE)
  • Theory and practice of EE for the development of Competences
  • Competency-based curriculum design
  • Evaluando competencias en la EI
  • Aplicación de las TIC y la Inteligencia Artificial (IA) en la EI
  • Effective teamwork
  • Project-based learning
  • La ética en la ingeniería y los desafíos de la IA
  • Programación Neurolingüística (PNL) para la educación
  • Presentation and communication skills
  • Procesos de acreditación y calidad en la EI
  • Implicaciones Sociales de la Ingeniería
  • La escritura científica en tiempos de la IA
  • Critical thinking
  • Creative thinking

Target audience

  • Autoridades Universitarias.
  • Directores de escuela profesionales.
  • Profesores Universitarios Ciencia, Tecnología, Ingeniería y Matemáticas (STEAM) o disciplinas afines.
  • Profesionales inmersos en temas educativos o enseñanza de ingeniería.

Se requiere tener título universitario de grado como mínimo.

Calendario tentativo y modalidad:

  • A definir


  • A definir

